
Latest from my writings

Summers in my new city…

Summers are very much different in my new city, unlike the ones I spent in my childhood. The days are very long here in summer and that is my favourite part about the season. The dawn breaks as early as 5:30 am and the day just doesn’t seem to pave way for the dusk to…

You and me… and screens!

Little did I ever imagine to be all alone with you,Oh yeah, not in a dense forest, nor on the shores of a lonely beach island.But in my own house, simply you and me…From constant juggling between one room to the other,And amidst the chaos of poor internet connection during an online meeting,We did manage…

2020 – an exceptional one!

The year 2020 is full of unpredictable happenings. Something which we all would have not even dreamed in our wildest dreams. A pandemic, which seems never ending, with multiple waves, all over the world. A virus, which desperately separates us, in the name of social distancing. A year, where crowds have horrified us. A phase,…

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